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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> TEXAS WILDFLOWERS > Roadside Wildflowers
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06-APR-2012 LynnH

Roadside Wildflowers

Gay Hill. Texas

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karen Stuebing09-Apr-2012 21:57
What a beautiful array of wildflowers. Love all the colors in the green carpet. Lovely scene. Must make it hard to keep your eyes on the road. V.
Coleen Perilloux Landry09-Apr-2012 16:55
A painter and a photographer's dream.
Mike H.09-Apr-2012 15:53
Really a lovely wildflower image; nicely presented.
Walter Otto Koenig09-Apr-2012 14:47
A beautiful vibrant scene. Love these colors. "V"
Irene Wehrli09-Apr-2012 14:24
Oh Lynn, this is soooo beautiful! Must be paradise...
nightwings09-Apr-2012 13:41
While our bluebonnets are beginning to fade up here, the red flowers, which I cannot identify, are beginning to open up, coloring the roadside.
Keith O'Brien09-Apr-2012 12:56
Gay Hill - I guess it was named in a time when gay meant something different than it does now ;) Great pic btw! V
Yvonne09-Apr-2012 12:09
So exquisitely lovely Lynn! v
Stephanie09-Apr-2012 11:29
Wow!!! Oh wow!!! This is gorgeous Lynn! BV :))