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LynnH | all galleries >> GALVESTON ISLAND, TX ~ GALLERIES >> Galveston Island Architecture > Bishop's Palace Details
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04-JUL-2009 LynnH

Bishop's Palace Details

Galveston Island, TX

Galveston’s grandest and best-known building, the Bishop’s Palace is an ornate delight of colored stone, intricately carved ornaments, rare woods,
stained-glass windows, bronze dragons and other sculptures. Inside you will find luxury materials and furnishings, and impressive fireplaces
from around the world (including one lined with pure silver!).
Built by lawyer Colonel Walter Gresham and designed by Nicholas Clayton, Galveston’s premier architect,
this Victorian castle was cited by the American Institute of Architects as one of the 100 most important buildings in America.
The home was built from 1886 to 1892. -

other sizes: small medium original auto
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jul-2009 17:06
Wow, what a cool building. Nice perspective, crop and super details. "V"
mart senior05-Jul-2009 16:46
very nice..great detail...v
Guest 05-Jul-2009 15:31
Great picture with lots of detail.... thanks for the info as well. Jv V!