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Lynda S. | profile | all galleries >> Africa 2013 >> Mt Kenya to the Maasai Mara May 25, 2013 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mt Kenya to the Maasai Mara May 25, 2013

After an early rise and an early breakfast, we set off at * AM to drive to Nanyuki Air Strip. Our Air Kenya plane arrived on time at 9:30, and after 3 short hop stops at various camps in the Mara, we disembarked at Governor's airstrip at 11:00. On the en-route game drive we spotted the following:
baboon, warthog, impala, elephant, baboon, cape buffalo
Little Governor's, our camp for two days, was actually on the other side of the Mara (the Kichwa Tembo side) but game runs are done on the airport side of the river - interesting! To get to the camp, you have to go down about 50 cement steps, take a rope-pull boat over to the other side (dodging the crocodiles) and then hike up about 50 stone steps and a bit of a hike to get to the camp. By the time we did all this, we were pretty hungry, good thing it was lunch.
The camp is wonderful though & worth the effort.
After a delicious lunch and a bit of rest, we did the reverse & went on a game on the other side. Jim and I have never explored this side - it is where the Marsh pride resides and that was our goal this afternoon.
On the game run we saw the following:
impala, defasso waterbuck, topi, cape buffalo, elephant. crowned crane, impala, zebra, giraffe, Thompson's gazelle, a very young lioness, an older lioness, one of the males of the Marsh Pride (not Scar or Hunter though), a cheetah sunning on a rock, jackal and - bonus - a leopard!
The lions were amazing to watch, we spent a lot of time watching them. Even more amazing though was the leopard that was in the bushes by the river on the way back to the camp - we spent a lot of quality time with that leopard - at least an hour, with only one other vehicle there. It was amazing.
One last shot of Mike & Deb at Mt Kenya Safari Club
One last shot of Mike & Deb at Mt Kenya Safari Club
One big happy DK Safari Family!
One big happy DK Safari Family!
The terminal at Nanyuki Airport
The terminal at Nanyuki Airport
Air Kenya's 17-seater Twin Otter 5YB10 that took us to the Mara
Air Kenya's 17-seater Twin Otter 5YB10 that took us to the Mara
A herd of impala
A herd of impala
Hang on, mom - I'm falling off!  A young baboon hitches a ride.
"Hang on, mom - I'm falling off!" A young baboon hitches a ride.
Cape buffalo
Cape buffalo
Oh oh - the mighty Mara River.  We have to cross that river to get to the other side.
Oh oh - the mighty Mara River. We have to cross that river to get to the other side.
No worries.  The intrepid sailors know how to do it.
No worries. The intrepid sailors know how to do it.
The boat is a 'rope boat' - easy for us, not so much for the poor guy pulling it!
The boat is a 'rope boat' - easy for us, not so much for the poor guy pulling it!
The lounge tent at Little Governor's Camp.
The lounge tent at Little Governor's Camp.
Little Governors' - Lovely tents - this was the sink in the washroom
Little Governors' - Lovely tents - this was the sink in the washroom
Little Governors' - The inside of the tent
Little Governors' - The inside of the tent
All tents face a central 'marsh' where the hippo roam
All tents face a central 'marsh' where the hippo roam
What we had to avoid as we crossed the Mara River
What we had to avoid as we crossed the Mara River
Defasso waterbuck
Defasso waterbuck
Cape buffalo
Cape buffalo
Thompson's gazelle
Thompson's gazelle
Thompson's gazelle - identifable by their racing stripe
Thompson's gazelle - identifable by their racing stripe
Lots of animals - but look close at the center back - it looks like an elephant with a striped butt!
Lots of animals - but look close at the center back - it looks like an elephant with a striped butt!
A very young lioness hides in the bushes
A very young lioness hides in the bushes
She's not hiding well - the zebra and gazelle know she is there
She's not hiding well - the zebra and gazelle know she is there
The lioness ventures out and the zebra and the gazelle scatter
The lioness ventures out and the zebra and the gazelle scatter
Where did everyone go?
"Where did everyone go?"
They must be here somewhere
"They must be here somewhere"
One of the Marsh pride males
One of the Marsh pride males
I think I will pose for these guys
"I think I will pose for these guys"
It's too much work to pose, think I will lie down
"It's too much work to pose, think I will lie down"
Well, maybe one more pose, I am the King of the Beasts after all
"Well, maybe one more pose, I am the King of the Beasts after all"
A male from the Marsh Pride
A male from the Marsh Pride
Go away, I'm done now
"Go away, I'm done now"
Not too far over from the lions we found another cat!  A relaxing cheetah.
Not too far over from the lions we found another cat! A relaxing cheetah.
17. Masai Mara - Cheetah
17. Masai Mara - Cheetah
I'm done too
"I'm done too"
The cheetah surveys the grasslands
The cheetah surveys the grasslands
Jackal, hiding in the grass
Jackal, hiding in the grass
Leopard!  We spent at least an hour quality time with him
Leopard! We spent at least an hour quality time with him
After watching the leopard on the ground for a long while he/she went for a short stroll
After watching the leopard on the ground for a long while he/she went for a short stroll
This was the only other vehicle that was at the sighting, and they only stayed for about 10 min
This was the only other vehicle that was at the sighting, and they only stayed for about 10 min
16. Masai Mara - Leopard - an incredibly beautiful cat
16. Masai Mara - Leopard - an incredibly beautiful cat
Did you get my best side?
"Did you get my best side?"
Well the, try this side
"Well the, try this side"