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Mayfield Garden - 3

This Autumn has been one of the most colourful that we have had for some years. Mayfield Garden is about 100km from our place. Its around 160 acres of wonderful cold climate, private garden and well worth a visit. I'm experimenting with "vivid" in a wide sense as well, so its a good match.

Olympus E-520
1/200s f/9.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Range View 23-Jul-2013 23:17
A gorgeous scene beautifully captured. V
slhoornstra12-Jun-2013 07:24
The color is fabulous and a departure for you. fun to experiment and a great shot, too. V
DeMorcan09-Jun-2013 05:34
Beautiful with that vivid color.
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