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Lydia Sanderson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> images_of_the_week tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
This gallery shows the most popular images from all galleries during the past week. Some have been posted for longer than others, but definite tastes make themselves known - Images appear in their visitor-preferred order, the most-viewed being the first - Update 19th September, 2003 : I had lost track of which images were becoming more favoured and have just adjusted this gallery accordingly. As there are now more images in all galleries, I have also added to this most-popular image gallery, to reflect a larger image-base . . . Kinda :-) - Lydia
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u7/lydia/medium/1228227.16.jpg u7/lydia/medium/1261544.32.jpg u27/lydia/medium/1223729.09.jpg
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