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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> intimate_fantasie >
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Guest 19-Apr-2022 21:23
Nice picture
sonny 26-Sep-2012 00:46
Very seductive, and sexy beautiful lady
Dante 16-Nov-2011 23:23
Love that pretty pussy. Would love to gently spread your legs further and kiss and separate your lips with my tongue and pleasure you.
Guest 12-Jan-2010 00:40
"put that book down ive someone i want you to meet"
Guest 04-Nov-2009 23:55
I usually prefer smooth all over but your your fur is lovely.
Horny Dick 10-Apr-2009 10:28
Great minge
anytime6423-Apr-2008 18:05
i want to kiss your lips
Just a guest 13-Mar-2007 16:01
Lydia, what book are you reading on this picture???
Viewer 01-Feb-2007 01:25
Super pussy shot. Luvit!!!!! Wantit!!!!!
Guest 20-Jan-2007 19:42
I for one love this photo. As one photo in intimate fantasie it is very much in context. Other more revealing photos prove you have an hourglass figure.
WVbelle20-Jan-2007 15:32
Very suggestive but falls within your style...very provocative and sensual, Very good