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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> most__popular__black__and__white__seductions >
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Geoff 17-Jan-2010 01:40
Can you imagine sucking these beauties?
Guest 02-Dec-2006 12:06
I enjoy this
Kenneth Zimmerman05-May-2004 02:10
what size are those, they are perfect!
bill 04-Feb-2003 04:52
sweet mother of god your tits look so good i would love to taste them
Guest 21-Jun-2002 09:26
Lydia, Thank for sharing this picture. More of this figurative abstract study will enlighten the viewers.
This image is not only attractive but keep viewers guessing and wondering. Wen Li
Ed 29-May-2002 17:46
Of all of the pictures in your galleries, this one has to be the best. It's a wonderful photograph. I like the delicate lace against your chest. I hope you'll post more photographs like this in the future.