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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> most__popular__black__and__white__seductions >
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Guest 18-Oct-2008 07:43
From a recent tv show. Lydia i've brought u a present. Bending over she says thanks I would like one of those!
Guest 04-Jan-2007 01:37
Body and figure of a real woman.
Dave 09-Dec-2006 14:27
The variation in photo sizes concentrates our eyes on your lovely body. I appreciate what you have done here to enhance our enjoyment of you
Guest 02-Dec-2006 12:10
One of the best shots in the gallery
Guest 25-Jul-2006 08:13
two words , all night
Guest 13-Mar-2003 00:26

Lydia Sanderson16-May-2002 12:35
Dan, thanks ! ...
Guest 14-May-2002 22:29
Very sexy Lydia
Guest 14-May-2002 22:19
Nice one Lydia!
frankallen12-May-2002 13:26
MMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Great Image Lydia!!