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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> most_popular_figure_studies__nudity >
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Guest 15-Jan-2004 16:41
Let the imagination run wild...
John Shackford 07-Mar-2003 12:35
This is beautiful. I like this type of picture and all that it dwells on. M/F?
Please let me know if you have 'more'
Best regards,
Guest 11-Feb-2003 11:56
Love this pic, you are HOT!!!! As all your photos show, you love the camera - and it certainly LOVES you!

Guest 06-Jan-2003 01:30
hottie!!! sensual!
frankallen25-Apr-2002 18:04
Gorgeous Image!!! Love this!!
Lydia Sanderson25-Apr-2002 17:00
Thank you, Dan ... Glad you are enjoying the views :-) ... Lydia
Guest 22-Apr-2002 15:23
Lovely Lydia!