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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> special_requests >
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Guest 19-Jul-2008 14:05
yes I agree, keep the shots coming, and keep me cummin!
blousearousal 15-Jul-2008 12:15
the stockings, the cuffs....the inevitable masturbation
Guest 26-Mar-2008 13:02
Lydia, nice breasts, legs, everything. Keep the shots comming.
Guest 16-Oct-2007 09:32
white blouse, stockings....I think a wank is in order.
Tom Mcdermott 06-Mar-2007 11:31
i love the white blouse, I'm so hard....
Guest 27-Aug-2006 06:18
i cant help it i have to play with myself on shots like these
Jeff 11-Aug-2006 21:59
Lydia you've got me so hard I could make a concrete block look like a wet sponge and The Sears Tower Look like a doll house.
Guest 21-Oct-2004 15:13
what are we all doing? w..king? what are we supposed to do?
Steve 25-Sep-2004 00:53
I drink my wine, gaze at your stockings and cum all over!!! I love it!!! Just keep making me cum.
Guest 14-Mar-2004 09:44
Guest 24-Feb-2003 03:48
Hi Lydiababe,
This was the first photo I ever saw of you. It is on the tight miniskirt website. I fell in love with at first glance, I never get tired of looking at you in this one. You make legcrossing a work of art! Beautiful-just beautiful!!!
mikey 17-Sep-2002 13:49
nice sexy legs - I would love to kiss them