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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> images_of_the_week >
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I FUCKED HER 05-Dec-2008 14:08
Would you ever toss a man off with your feet
Guest 25-Sep-2008 16:56
your so fucking sexy i would fuck your brains out
Guest 03-Feb-2008 15:37
Hot colors. Wonderful breasts and legs, too.
guest 05-Jul-2006 22:45
yeah baby. the hot colors and hot body parts make me hot, too.
dennis 27-Apr-2006 05:45
what a pair of sexy legs and suckable toes
elmo 06-Dec-2004 18:07
Simply Stunning!
Sal Aversa28-Sep-2002 21:46
Thanks so very much for the combination of photography, sensuality,
great legs, and providing me with such entertainment.

I sincerly hope to see much more of you's a long winter here
in Upstate NY....

My regards