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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> images_of_the_week >
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Dave Hawkins18-Jul-2012 14:08
the open jacket and the choker necklace are perfect together
Guest 09-Feb-2008 11:24
Everything looks great, from your suit to your skin.
Dave 29-Nov-2006 22:16
Your great legs and bust are shown here in all their splendour
jaime 05-Aug-2005 05:57
A true Goddess walks among us, I am in awe!
alexeig27-Mar-2005 12:49
Why, or why my female colleagues do not come to work like this?
Guest 24-Apr-2003 14:23
Lydia, this is by far the sexiest picture you have on your site,very erotic!
Steve 01-Jan-2003 13:37
Guest 18-Jun-2002 12:56
You are a knock out.
frankallen28-Apr-2002 18:25
This one is so Classy Looking!