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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> images_of_the_week >
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2 29-May-2012 15:19
mmmmm kakay genchina mmmmm trach trach ee
ôô 18-Jan-2012 13:11
chris 16-Nov-2007 05:05
superb thighs love to part them and slip between
Guest 04-Jan-2007 01:14
Great thighs
Guest 30-Nov-2006 08:58
A very inviting pose I think!
John Duffus05-Apr-2006 20:42
Soooooooooo hot!!!
Guest Economist 05-Nov-2005 01:47
If I lifted your skirt to see what was beneath, would I find several Treasury Notes worth a hundred thousand or so????? Should I look now, or call my broker?????
jonny 29-Jul-2005 09:24
WOWOWOWOW What lovely legs... makes 1 wonder wats underneath the skirt
kej28-Jun-2005 18:05
great butt!
flich 23-Oct-2004 15:50
worth a goose or grope?
Guest 29-Mar-2004 03:49
hope you were not wearing any panties!
Guest 01-Mar-2003 18:12
Hello LydiaBabe,
Just want to say that you perform the bendover manuever extremely well! I find it impossible to get tired of looking at all your pix - I love them all!!!! Keep them coming.

bill 10-Feb-2003 00:31
i would give anything just to kiss your hot ass
Guest 21-Oct-2002 13:57
OH boy you've got a very nice legs....hmmmmmmm yummy :-) I can't help it. Keep posting.