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Dundee Stu


17 May 2005

I have decided to give Robin Reid's challenge a go. Basically - assuming that I have understood the rules correctly - what is involved is posting as your PaD one photograph that is taken using a prime lens. I am a bit hazy on the rest of the 'challenge', but I think that it is to put up the resulting image without any post-processing whatsoever, which I assume also means no straightening or cropping. The image that you see here is as it came off the memory card. All I have done is convert it from RAW to JPG, resized it to 800x530 pixels at 72ppi and added my signature and the file reference. Apart from that, this is the image as it came off the memory card. I don't think that I'll be able to keep this up for a whole week, however, since I am going off to Portugal on Monday and I am using one of the M42 fit lenses that Gavin loaned me. Still, I will give it a shot for as long as I can. I hope you enjoy it - because it is damned hard work getting an image that is useable straight from camera - especially when you are using completely manual lenses that are not designed to be used on a Nikon camera - let alone a digital camera. This promises to be a difficult challenge!

Last year I was cycling through the Miley

Nikon D70 ,Carl Zeiss Jena f/3.5 135mm
1/15s f/4.0 at 135.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wenche Aune18-May-2005 22:44
Very nice.
Karen Stuebing18-May-2005 09:49
Great job! Wonderful shapes and lighting. This really needed no post processing.
Lee Rudd18-May-2005 07:14
The light is lovely, the shapes are intriguing
Lori Rolfe18-May-2005 07:07
nice capture of new life.....beautiful use of light
Chris Sofopoulos18-May-2005 06:50
Nice close up. I like the angle.
Steven Jusczyk18-May-2005 05:29
Lovely repetition of pattern.
Karen Leaf18-May-2005 01:31
I like the mystery of this Stu, and the DoF really makes them pop. I thought they were seahorses from the thumb.
jude17-May-2005 23:39
I like the low-light of this.. the fronds almsot look like they are blowing in the wind..
laine8217-May-2005 23:27
Nice Bracken. Looks like Little Bo Peep could use them as a crook !
Pepe Zyman17-May-2005 23:09
Very nice composition and soft focus.
David Clunas17-May-2005 22:27
nice feel to the shot, most of my PaDs are straight from the card, don't have time to PS them :). Interesting challenge though, I'll see if I can continue the week also on the same lens!
Guest 17-May-2005 22:26
Nice shot, might have to give it a spin as well...
Coleen Perilloux Landry17-May-2005 21:52
I'll bet you'd be one hell of a professor! These ferns all have a personality if you study them for a while.
Robin Reid17-May-2005 21:49
Nice job Stu... and yes the only rule is to use the same prime lens for a week. Nothing else. However it is typical of a Scot to take a challenge to a new level. ;-0
Guest 17-May-2005 21:42
Nice one. Best of luck with the rest of the challenge.
Ian Clowes17-May-2005 21:31
great start though!
Herb 17-May-2005 21:27
The only rule is to use one lens for a week, however if you want to make it tough for yourself, go for it.
Nice shot btw
Zak17-May-2005 21:22
nice shot!!
markvm17-May-2005 21:19
Very nice, Stewart! Beautiful ferns!
northstar3717-May-2005 21:02
fern nice.
Gayle P. Clement17-May-2005 21:02
I like your dark and mysterious ferns.

I thought the only rule was that you had to use a prime lens.