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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2012 > Tornadic Edge
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Tornadic Edge

March 2, 2012 we were on the edge of a F2 Tornadic producing storm. We got all the cool "photographic effects" of the storm but no damage.

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Buz Kiefer03-Mar-2014 19:03
Awesome photo, James. Vote.
Richard Vance08-Mar-2012 00:23
Those storms were too close for comfort, James. What a scary night! Great shot of lightning on the edge.
Best regards,
caveman_lee06-Mar-2012 13:04
Awesome and exciting. The tornadoes came really early this year.
Alain Boussac05-Mar-2012 08:25
Spectacular and remarkable. Fantastic image. BV.
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