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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2008 > TIKI 1992-2008
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TIKI 1992-2008

Today (December 12, 2008) my parents cat, Tiki (Tick-e not Tee-kee), peacefully ended her struggle against time.

She lived a grand life as an indoor cat, with the total ownership of the house that she allowed my parents to live in. She only claimed a rocking chair in the living room as her own and permitted my parents to use the rest of the house.

She loved two things in life when I was around, Pounce and hissing at me. Luckly she was never without Pounce for long.

Though my relationship with her was strained at best thru most of her adult life, I do have fond memories of her as a kitten and young cat. I would come home from college and jump in the rocker and lean back and she would fall asleep, on my chest, and so would I.

See ya on the other side Tiki, till then I am sure you will have plenty of new friends to hiss and spit at.

Oh Abby says I should say that she has crossed over the "Rainbow Bridge" so the cat lovers will be touched.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
1/50s f/1.4 at 50.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 12-Dec-2008 21:49
A fitting tribute to a good cat.
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