Hello, I find this picture interesting, as my cousin Anthony Irwin, got my brother and I to join the boxing club that was set up in the church, which was run by Joe and Sonny Schembri, when we moved on the Island in 1979. All I can remember of it was that the downstairs was divided into 3 rooms, to the left was the ring and all the sparring equipment, the middle was a hall for circuit training etc, and to the right was were we used to change, tho I think this room had a former use for something else, which I wil have to ask about, just inside the main entrance there were 2 large staicases, going off to the left and to the right. we were told that we were not allowed to go onto the mezzanine balcony areas as they were "unsafe" but yet at the very top of the church is where all the weight training equipment was used! It was sad that it burnt out, and I do hope that it can be restored at some time in the future. I remember seeing on TV once that the actual design an structure of the building itself is quite special due to its designer