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Trevor Edwards | all galleries >> Sheppey Pictures and Postcards >> Minster & Halfway > Old hospital lots of memories
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Old hospital lots of memories

Given by and shown with the kind permission of Roger Betts.

Nikon Coolpix 4300
1/607s f/2.8 at 8.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
andrea tsumba 01-Feb-2013 03:32
A lot of memories right there, I can remember using that entrance, doesn't seem that long ago
Guest 12-Feb-2012 18:41
Would this hospital have been here during first World war as my great uncle was sent here, during the period 7 January 1916 to 26 February 1916 for a GSW in right elbow.
Guest 20-Jul-2011 15:57
My mum nursed here during the 40s and her younger sister, who was in the St.Johns helped there. One day there was a multiple motor bike accident and they were the only two on duty.
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