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Trevor Edwards | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Another 2002 Holiday tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Another 2002 Holiday

A weeks holiday to Shropshire. We stayed at Ludlow and went all around visiting, especially castles and old houses.
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Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Church - Window
Witley Court - Walking Man Closer
Witley Court - Walking Man Closer
Witley Court
Witley Court
Ludlow Castle
Ludlow Castle
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