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Lori Rolfe | all galleries >> Picture of the Day >> springs >> May 2005 > knarled tree ~ May 24th
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24-MAY-2005 Lori Rolfe

knarled tree ~ May 24th

The tree I pass each day on my walk into work from the car. Today I noticed it in a whole new way.

Panasonic DMC-FZ1
1/30s f/2.8 at 4.6mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Lori Rolfe25-May-2005 11:16
I told my husband it looked like an elephant's butt, as he was pulling up the image to look at it..... love the comments we found here. :-)
laine8225-May-2005 09:36
It's lived it's life the hard way Lori. It's amazing what we see with that camera isn't it.
Steven Jusczyk25-May-2005 05:54
Wonderful texture. Love the hint of green.
Guest 25-May-2005 00:39
I was thinking you could call it "Elephant Butt" but hey, that's just
David Clunas24-May-2005 22:07
sorry it's a bum shot! :) well spotted
joanteno24-May-2005 21:53
nice textures.. great abstract!