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Lori Rolfe | all galleries >> Galleries >> Windows & Doors > the open door~ May 16th
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16-MAY-2005 Lori Rolfe

the open door~ May 16th

....leading from my room into a new day...... if only it was a little bit later in the day.....

Panasonic DMC-FZ1
1/50s f/2.8 at 4.6mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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laine8217-May-2005 10:34
I'm with Karen. Love that wall...a real feature.
Karen Stuebing17-May-2005 10:19
Super. Love that yellow wall. Out into the light!
Guest 17-May-2005 09:25
Steven Jusczyk17-May-2005 06:32
Nice simple image. Makes you wonder what's on the other side of the door.
Mindy McNaugher17-May-2005 01:45
Beautiful image! Great composition and colors!
Stu16-May-2005 21:12
Nice composition
Antonis Sarantos16-May-2005 18:35
Excellent colour composition!!!
JeremyGood16-May-2005 17:46
Great wall color with your medium dark hardwood.
Gayle P. Clement16-May-2005 15:18
Such a strong composition!
Guest 16-May-2005 14:58
Good catch!
Josy's Pics16-May-2005 14:33
Beautiful image... nice contrast!
Well done...
Monte Stevens16-May-2005 14:03
I like this shot because of the story it tells, the colors, the dark mysterious shadows and it is technicallly well done!
Chuck Inglefield16-May-2005 13:36
Nice contrast and idea.
Guest 16-May-2005 12:26
Lovely! Such good lines and composition.
Donna Pownall16-May-2005 11:36
Nice composition. Great work.
Chris Sofopoulos16-May-2005 11:16
Beutiful light and great colour effect! I like it. Voted.