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Lynda Reneau | profile | all galleries >> Scenes Of Summer tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Scenes Of Summer The water stays in the 60's yr round.Its a breath taking experience to jump in the first time.The Exotic deer roam the campground,they are not the White Tail native.
This well hidden water hole has a long and interesting history.
Wheres The Burgers
Wheres The Burgers
You Got My Burger?
You Got My Burger?
Summer 016 Jacey and Caden.jpg
Summer 016 Jacey and Caden.jpg
Summer 020 Caden and Jacey.jpg
Summer 020 Caden and Jacey.jpg
Summer 038 Charlie and Caden.jpg
Summer 038 Charlie and Caden.jpg
Summer 040 Charlie and Caden2.jpg
Summer 040 Charlie and Caden2.jpg
Summer 044 Charlie and Caden 3.jpg
Summer 044 Charlie and Caden 3.jpg
Summer More Exotic Deer
Summer More Exotic Deer
Yes I Skiied.jpg
Yes I Skiied.jpg