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Lou Giroud | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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dukeofdust20-May-2012 02:02
How are you enjoying your new setting? It is very different from Belgium!
Angus will be 9 soon....still in great health!
I hope you are well
dukeofdust31-Dec-2009 13:51
Happy New Year!!
Guest 08-May-2006 08:17
Bonjour Lou.
Je suis épaté! Quel érudition ! Toutes ces précisions sur ma petite et étrange bestiole (à peine 3 mmm). Je te remercie chaleureusement de ces commentaires et de l'intérêt porté à mes galeries. C'est vraiment très gentil.
Merci encore et à bientôt.
Teddy Cooper22-Mar-2006 08:09
Toutes ces photos telles que Paris, Philipines, Bruxelles suscitent en moi une grande admiration, tant par leur contenu que par leur qualité : un grand merci pour nous les faire partager ! Je voudrais bien avoir votre sens de la prise de vue !
tomsview11-Mar-2006 10:25
Thanks for the knowledge comments about Nikon D200, I will enjoy my new camera & also enjoy your beautiful photos.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography02-Mar-2006 21:39
Lou !
je suis tres contente que tu as chercher quelque-chose interesent dans mon gallery de Wroclaw.Ma famille est ici depuis 1945 ,mes parents ont etiez de Pologne de Galicia.maintenant c'est l'Ukraine. Wroclaw etais bombarder en suis nee en 1950 ,a;ors ,apres la II-ieme guerre.Mais ,dans mno coeur ,dans ma tete ,dans mon monde psychice-
je suis melange,comme les veterans.
j'espere que notre hobby .notre art=photo serais comme le pont parmie les amies innoconu.
Vixi 15-Oct-2005 12:21
Wat een prachtige vernieuwde website. Heldere opzet en ook een goede kleurstelling. Mooi.
Mijn complimenten!

Met vriendelijke groeten
Thomas 12-Oct-2005 15:13
Hallo Lou freut mich deine Bilder im Internet zusehen wir haben uns im Dezember in San Jose im Sikatuna Beach Hotel getroffen viel grüße Thomas und Carmelita
Guest 02-Oct-2005 15:27
nice pictures!!
i appreciate a lot those from HOME, Bohol..
Guest 17-Aug-2005 07:01
Glad you liked the Firebird. It's the 400 model. I took these shots at my sister in laws wedding. It was the groom's father's car. It is a very sweet ride. Also it's a convertible. I wouild love to have an old Cuda. I'm kind of going in between that and a Viper. Hard to make up my mind. Thanks for looking. Phil
Steve Cavanah31-Jul-2005 03:29
ONYE OLU 13-Jul-2005 11:52
steve 28-Jun-2005 13:00
nice site, i will be back.

Jean-Luc Elias17-May-2005 12:03
Very nice and interesting pictures here.I came out on your site by Googling on the Tokina 12-24 lens.Do you have one of your own?or did you used the pictures of somebody? I think I will buy it with a D70.I live near to Brussels as well . maybe neigbours?...
Kind regards,Jean-Luc
Guest 06-Feb-2005 19:58
No-one expects to meet a fellow pBaser while shooting pics in his neighbourhood. So what a coincidence not ? It was nice talking to you Lou. Best regards.
Gregg Miner 03-Feb-2005 22:40
Hi Lou - your image came up on my Google search. I'd like to post your image of harp guitarist James Kline, and link to your gallery. James happens to be on our site already and our our new CD. Can you tell me where and when the photo was taken? Couldn;t find your email...THanks!
Gregg Miner,
tony 12-Jan-2005 02:36
Lou, I ran across some of your work while looking for photos of the Philippines and I liked them. I was wondering if I could use some of them? It would be for personal purposes only, such as a wallpaper for my computer at work.

Thanks, Tony
Amaury 17-Nov-2004 02:18
bravo et merci pour toutes ces belles images, surtout celles des ferries. Je vis à Paris mais suis originaire de Boulogne Sur Mer et vos photos m'ont rappelé plein de souvenirs quand la Sealink et P&O existaient encore il y a plus de 10 ans...
J'ai découvert PBase grâce au lien que vous aviez mis avec la critique du D70, or je ne retrouve plus la page du site où vous l'avez acheté; pourriez vous mel'indiquer? Ma compagne et moi-même pensons nous offrir cet appareil pour les fêtes de fin d'année.
Cordialement Amaury
Guest 14-Nov-2004 17:34
Lou, do I have you mistaken or did you have a post or two of you and your new baby recently. We discussed having children at a late stage in life... I am pretty sure it was you. Anyway, Miss Rachel was asking to see a pic of your baby and I can't seem to find one.
Jim Worlding06-Nov-2004 11:17
Yes my friend this is my brothers wife Anna she is a witch and animagus keep your eyes open, more to follow.
All the best Jim
Henk Binnendijk01-Nov-2004 21:12
Beste Lou,

You are wrong. This was the first time we got these kinds of comments on PBase ('this dog should be shot and his master too', and worse). One of the people that posted them has pointed me to the PBase site of a hardcore Republican who had directed his visitors to Joop. So it was set up.
One can have open discussions on PBase without the foul stone age insults. But when I had to erase a number of comments I had to erase all of them, of course, to be fair (I also erased the pro-Kerry comments). And I'm free to do so. It's an option we have. Don't tell me I can't use that option, that is not yours to decide.
I've talked politics on Joop's Dog Log for months, and have had many interesting comments and discussions, with positive and negative feedback, as you can see.
I have worked and lived in the US for many years, also in 2000 and 2002, and most of my relatives are Americans. I've seen what GWB's mistakes, misinformation, lies and fear spreading has done to the US. I'm most involved.
So please Lou, don't be a Belgian preacher, don't tell me what to do on PBase and what not to do, don't tell me how to deal with radical conservative Americans. I believe I know them better than you do.

Groeten van

Next time you want to send me a message it would help if you'd post it in MY guestbook instead of in yours...
Lou Giroud24-Oct-2004 18:50
Henk, politics is a field of ingratitude and it is a fact that if one wants to play the politics game, you become a goal-shooter and -keeper at same time. Nothing is more difficult to manage then political and religious opinions. On Pbase, there is a park of all kind of people, big children, pretenders and as you could find out, people without any respect.
You can not imagine how much insulting I have to take over just because I tell people my honnest opinion on there pictures. Noone is a master in the field and everyone needs to learn. But, from there to accept and be open to get and learn is another step.
It is here a fact that all peple opposed to Bush will insult you. It is clear that in Europe, and all over the world, also in the US, many people would like to see Kerry win this elections. From there to say that he is honnest and that he makes it better is another view.
I work in the European Parliament and I know what politics are, how weird and how awfull this people act, filling their pockets and just care a f..k about what the people say or think.
So, as I told you, if you don't want to get shot, do not want to accept opositioned minds and insults, stay away from politics on the Pbase. You have seen now how the situation is.
The comment case is indeed like a forum and in there you will find all kind of shit, opinions, insults, minds, warnings, etc and it is clear that people will not be happy if you start filtering and in this context just deleting what you do not accept or find off limits with your own opinion.
So, I wann apologize if my mind or words hurt you, but it is my way to be honnest and say things the way I see them and think about. Many pbasers do not look at my galleries or comment on them because I was not playing what one would call "the game". My time is too precious for gambling and childs play anyway.
Take care and regards
Lou Giroud24-Oct-2004 18:35
I am not a biologist, I am a locksmith, but have more other basic trained fields.
In my life I have studied many things and beside being a locksmith I am a specialized technicial engineer in fuel and gas combustion for small and big sized heating systems in residential and industrial buildings.
My main study field on free own basis is nature and mainly mycology which is the study of mushrooms. I am beside that interested in mechanics, mainly motor cycles and engine tuning, a certified Windows XP-2003 administrator, I build computers and networks, and, and, and.
If I only had time... only time. :-)
Henk en Joop 22-Oct-2004 14:23
I deleted ALL comments yesterday, out of anger. Not just the ones that didn't agree, but ALL. Clicked them away. Most comments were insulting, degrading and/or dirty, and most were anonymus. I expect people using PBase to at least show some basic manners.
Guest 17-Oct-2004 23:12
Thanks for satying by my gallery and giving advice.
I need you help.
If you are free, please check my gallery again.
Thanks again!

Have a nice day!

Guest 26-Sep-2004 11:28
Lou - thanks for stopping by my galleries, and for educating us on the mushrooms. You obviously know a few things about them! What's your training/employ in this area? Are you by any chance a biologist?
Scott 16-Sep-2004 09:58
Lou---thanks for visiting my galleries....

Dan26-Jul-2004 09:28
Thanks for the visit and comments in my London Gallery. I did not get the chance to stop at the pub but liked the name and look. We will have to stop by on our next visit. We are planning to visit the Philippines next May and June, maybe our paths will cross some day. Anyway, enjoyed the visit to your galleries.
Cesar Paniamogan, Jr.01-Jul-2004 17:10
Thanks for the comments on my gallery "The Emma Chronicles." She turned 2 years old this past February 2004. The pictures of your daughter and her friends are quite wonderful!
Guest 16-Jun-2004 19:58
Hi Lou, thank you so much for your generosity and wonderful words, I have learned alot from all of you wonderful photographers, with such great skills and imaginations and, great encouragement for younger photographers like myself. I have to agree with you about the thought of Pro's, although I have great repect for them, but I have also seen many non-Pros can capture breathtaking photographs, sometimes exceeding Pro's porfolios; and for me, I can only dream to be near there. Although I am making a very good living with my full time job as an aerospace engineer, I always dream to work for National Geographic (U.S.A.) one day, this would be my second dream in my life, and I have not giving it up. My supportive wife has often suggested to me to attend the School of Photography, saying that would be a key to open the door of N.G., but then I enjoy being self-taught, eventhough it has been a great challenge for me, but I think that's the best part of photography, is having fun! May the happiest to be with you, Cheers!

Kevin Tat
dukeofdust17-May-2004 17:48
Lou...I would Love to chat some more about Bulldogs!!!
Your assesments of Angus have been GREAT!!!
I have tried to e-mail you but they get returned!!!
My e-mail is:
I would love to send you a pedigree & chat further...
Thanks, Brian
ROGER 13-May-2004 00:05
Ce n'est pas parce qu'on n'a rien à faire que l'on regarde des photos,
Ce n'est peut-être pas par hasard non plus,
Je n'en suis pas à pouvoir comparrer les qualités d'un appareil,
Mais je trouve que c'est drôlement pas mal.
Qualité de l'image, ambiance, ....
J'y ai découvert beaucoup et retrouvé tout autant.
Ce n'est pas la première fois que je passe dans le coin, mais cette fois je m'arrête pour le dire.
Voilà qui est bien fait, bravo Louis, je m'en va dormir....
Mais je repasserai
dukeofdust04-May-2004 22:40
Thanks so much for your educated assessment of my Bulldog Angus...He is now 10 months old...He is half finished & should finish in the next 6 months...8 majors coming up in the next 3 months....
in this picture he is 8 months old...He was born on June 26th 2003
Laurens 24-Apr-2004 19:33
Oi Lou, thx for linking me to your gallery, I must say: (digital) photography is one of my little hobbies too, and your pictures are very nice. Cool to see some pictures of you from a few years back, and also pictures of Max and your daughter. I was shocked to read that you're planning to move to the Philippines in 2006. I promise I'll stop by in Brussels and take you out for a drink when I get my drivers license (this summer). Still haven't thanked you enough for building those pc's for me, and letting me use ftw.

Regards to you, your wife and daughter!!
Guest 21-Apr-2004 22:26
Enjoyed looking at the images of Brussels - The last time I was in Brussels was over 35 years ago.
Guest 09-Apr-2004 16:34
Oui, je viens de regarder votre galerie sur Pbase après avoir lu votre commentaire sur le D70 sur le site ldlc.
Je me sens un peu frustré car j'ai acheté récemment un Canon 10D dont le seul boitier nu m'a déjà couté plus cher que le D70+objectif 18-70mm dédié et j'ai lu des articles excellents sur le D70.
Le 10D fait de belles photos: cf pbase/bestseller "minsk" a été fait avec un 10D.
J'ai trois questions à vous poser:

Mais je ne peux pas utiliser les photos brutes car je suis souvent obligé de les éclaircir avec photoshop pour obtenir un bon résultat: est-ce pour vous le cas sur la majorité des photos prises avec le Nikon D70 et exposées dans votre galerie pbase ?

pensez-vous d'après votre point de vue qu'il est préférable de vendre mon 10D pour m'acheter un D70,
sachant que je disposais d'un vieux Nikon FE et surtout de plusieurs Objectifs de type
AI S, avez-vous déjà testé d'anciens objectifs Nikon sur ce boitier sachant que vous perdez l'analyse matricielle ?
mon adresse personnelle est
andersen 05-Apr-2004 10:54
hello, je vous passe un message a propos de votre post sur, vous etes vraiment un veinard d'avoir recu le d70, ca fait 1 mois que je l'attend et toujours rien... je vois que vous en faites un bon usage.

cordialement, andersen