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lordbud | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
I'm quite the amateur. Lately I haven't been using the viewfinder. I enjoy the surprise of "I wonder what I got there?"
I like contrasty still-lifes, pictures of ordinary people that are unaware they're being photographed, and everyday objects seen freshly through odd juxtapositions.
I don't like posed portraits.
I like a horizon line that is askew.
I despise flash.
Progress photos
:: Progress photos ::
:: paintings ::
February 2004 pix
:: February 2004 pix ::
March 2004 pix
:: March 2004 pix ::
April 2004 pix
:: April 2004 pix ::
May 2004 pix
:: May 2004 pix ::
June 2004 pix
:: June 2004 pix ::
July 2004 pix
:: July 2004 pix ::
August 2004 pix
:: August 2004 pix ::
Sept 2004 pix
:: Sept 2004 pix ::
October 2004 pix
:: October 2004 pix ::
February 2005 pix
:: February 2005 pix ::
April 2005 pix
:: April 2005 pix ::
July 2005 pix
:: July 2005 pix ::
August 2005 pix
:: August 2005 pix ::
Beach pix 2005
:: Beach pix 2005 ::
April 2006 pix
:: April 2006 pix ::
Self Portraits
:: Self Portraits ::
Garden Photos
:: Garden Photos ::
:: bday_dress ::
daughter pix
:: daughter pix ::
Day At The Fair
:: Day At The Fair ::
K1000 pix
:: K1000 pix ::
LACMA trip
:: LACMA trip ::
:: Pets ::
What the butler saw
:: What the butler saw ::