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lorand | all galleries >> Galleries >> carnevale_a_venezia_2004 > venice_carnevale_me_159.jpg
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photo by silvano:

Nikon D100
1/80s f/4.5 at 24.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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lorand12-Mar-2011 21:03
Thanks....year 2004!!!
Guest 09-Mar-2011 04:28
Great photo of you. Did you go to the Carnival this year?
Guest 28-Oct-2010 13:53
hello nice to meet you ! i know exactly where you are, theres a cafe to your right !
BrigitteKrede08-Nov-2009 22:22
nice to meett you lorand
Guest 04-Sep-2007 17:10
Ciao Lorand! Piacere conoscerti! :)
Marjan Schavemaker22-Nov-2006 13:33
Hi, Lorand!
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography09-Sep-2006 22:10
hi,thanks for scharing.cheers!
Guest 03-Sep-2006 10:37
it's really verry good photos