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Titia Geertman | profile | all galleries >> Our Pets (3) >> My Drenthe Heath Sheep >> The Birth of a Lamb tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Birth of a Lamb

Some years ago I was very lucky to be able to photograph the birth of a lamb from start to finish.
Birth of a lamb-Picking up the scent
Birth of a lamb-Picking up the scent
Birth of a lamb-Getting contractions
Birth of a lamb-Getting contractions
Birth of a lamb-Breaking of the waters
Birth of a lamb-Breaking of the waters
Birth of a lamb-right position front legs first, head on top
Birth of a lamb-right position front legs first, head on top
Birth of a lamb-The head is out
Birth of a lamb-The head is out
Birth of a lamb-Almost there
Birth of a lamb-Almost there
Birth of a lamb-Ewe starts to lick it dry
Birth of a lamb-Ewe starts to lick it dry
Birth of a lamb-Getting on its feet
Birth of a lamb-Getting on its feet
Birth of a lamb-Lamb falls down frequently
Birth of a lamb-Lamb falls down frequently
Birth of a lamb-It will find mom's nipple within 15 minutes
Birth of a lamb-It will find mom's nipple within 15 minutes