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Long Bach Nguyen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Flying Quest Kodiak- Anchorage, Kodiak, Valdez, Sitka, Seattle, 2012 > Deep Creek, Center Plateau, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
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Deep Creek, Center Plateau, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska

Kenai Peninsula, Alaska view map

Nikon D700
1/750s f/6.7 at 32.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
shatterbug17-May-2012 05:40
Another great!
fotabug15-May-2012 18:08
I agree with mananee. Makes me think of being in a glider. Don't know if they go hat high
Guest 15-May-2012 15:45
I fell like I am soaring above all this, weightless and fully enjoying the panoramic view.
rousselziak15-May-2012 14:21
Beautiful view ! -V-
Guest 15-May-2012 11:57
A flight of the imagination! V
Tom LeRoy15-May-2012 08:54
Fantastic view and superb capture of layers! Very beautiful sense of space!V!
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