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Lo Yer | profile | all galleries >> Friends >> wardley_gathering_07012003 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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belibala, belibala.......three women = a lousy market
belibala, belibala.......three women = a lousy market
@%*@((%)$, let me hear what they r talking
@%*@((%)$, let me hear what they r talking
Mom, what r u talking about??
Mom, what r u talking about??
u23/lojamc/medium/10446657.DSCN0080.jpg Simeon, Pau, Chan CW, Kelvin
Simeon, Pau, Chan CW, Kelvin
Here come the Superwoman, Linda & Christina
Here come the Superwoman, Linda & Christina
Alvin & Cathy
Alvin & Cathy
Lina & Linda
Lina & Linda
I take care the children , cook the food, prepare everything.............
I take care the children , cook the food, prepare everything.............
Doris & Linda
Doris & Linda
Doris, Linda, Lina
Doris, Linda, Lina
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