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Lo Yer | profile | all galleries >> my_49th_birthday >> harlans tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
An unforgettable dinner in Harlan on my birthday, the dishes are tasty and great, 2 excitement by Harlan
Stonewood N.Z mussel
Stonewood N.Z mussel
N.Z. Whiting , baby shrimp, italian Scampi, Angel Hair with lobster sauce
N.Z. Whiting , baby shrimp, italian Scampi, Angel Hair with lobster sauce
French Chix, (not spring chicken)
French Chix, (not spring chicken)
an exciting dessert given by Harlan, it's FREE too
an exciting dessert given by Harlan, it's FREE too
it consists of Ginger cake, chaocolate mousse, dark & white chocolate ice-cream
it consists of Ginger cake, chaocolate mousse, dark & white chocolate ice-cream
Make a wish!
Make a wish!