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Lo Yer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> My 50th Birthday party tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My 50th Birthday party

50, half of the century, celebrate my B-day by having a lot of eating.
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Wow, v can't have it, v r too full.
Wow, v can't have it, v r too full.
Jesus, the lotus birthday bun is too big
Jesus, the lotus birthday bun is too big
Lunch at H One on 21/06
:: Lunch at H One on 21/06 ::
Dinner at H One on 17/06
:: Dinner at H One on 17/06 ::
Birthday party at Jubal on 07 Jul 2007
:: Birthday party at Jubal on 07 Jul 2007 ::
pix from How Yee's camera
:: pix from How Yee's camera ::
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