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Lo Yer | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> My 50th Birthday party tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

My 50th Birthday party

50, half of the century, celebrate my B-day by having a lot of eating.
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goin for the dinner party
goin for the dinner party
Wow! Rose is here
Wow! Rose is here
we should have the dining until the end
we should have the dining until the end
How Yee, Kwok Wing, Bertyer, Susan, Rose
How Yee, Kwok Wing, Bertyer, Susan, Rose
lights out, 50 candles in
lights out, 50 candles in
make a wish, man
make a wish, man
can u tell me what is your wish?
can u tell me what is your wish?
g6/70/43370/3/81261167.0c9GCJoh.jpg cut the cake, v r so hungry and the cake looks tasty
cut the cake, v r so hungry and the cake looks tasty
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