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Lo Yer | profile | all galleries >> Travelling >> Australia 2008 14/3-29/3 >> 20/03 Tasmania - Swansea - Sheffield tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

20/03 Tasmania - Swansea - Sheffield

Left Swanseain the moring, supposed go to Nine Miles Beach but lost the way, arrived Wine Glass Bay before noon, found the wild kangaroo on the return and then visited Cape Tourville. Arrived Sheffield in the evening after 4 hrs of driving. Had the dinner in the ONLY Chinese restaurnat in sheffield.
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walkin up to the wineglass bay
walkin up to the wineglass bay
g3/70/43370/3/95476753.d8RRGRO3.jpg the beautiful wine glass bay
the beautiful wine glass bay
g3/70/43370/3/95476757.JYsGJptG.jpg g3/70/43370/3/95476758.ndnOjpLB.jpg g3/70/43370/3/95476760.AhkXwoRI.jpg g3/70/43370/3/96842940.66wNGUVx.jpg
holding the rock
holding the rock
I push
I push
g3/70/43370/3/95263384.nAraaU5C.jpg stop the rolling stone
stop the rolling stone
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