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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Sigma SD10 >> Outings and Escapes >> Tenterden 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tenterden 2005

The 2005 UK Sigma Users Group meeting took place at Tenterden in Kent. Other outings gave greater scope to the weekend. Zero-setting versions of some of the images are available here.
You can lead boys to toys but you can't make them think.
You can lead boys to toys but you can't make them think.
We luvs our Guinness
We luvs our Guinness
The White Lion
The White Lion
Street Scene
Street Scene
. . . lean to the right . . .
. . . lean to the right . . .
Morning on the Lambs
Morning on the Lambs
Fire Water
Fire Water
Group Walk
Group Walk
And then I welcomed the Romans at Thanet . . .
And then I welcomed the Romans at Thanet . . .
Morning Glaze
Morning Glaze
He's not any better from this side either.
He's not any better from this side either.
Prové told a joke?
Prové told a joke?
Every which way or mixed pixels
Every which way or mixed pixels
And what do you do at the company?
And what do you do at the company?
Ticket to ride
Ticket to ride
Chasseur d'images
Chasseur d'images
My View
My View
Crunch Time
Crunch Time
Bodiam Castle
Bodiam Castle
Bridge to Castle
Bridge to Castle
Defenders All
Defenders All
Moat Question
Moat Question
Inner Court
Inner Court
Outer Wall
Outer Wall
Narrow View
Narrow View
Winding Road
Winding Road
Good Ole 56
Good Ole 56
First Day on the Job
First Day on the Job
Tea Kettle
Tea Kettle
George C. Wright
George C. Wright
Norwegian Metal
Norwegian Metal
Wheel Detail
Wheel Detail
Cab Heating
Cab Heating
Tight Wheels
Tight Wheels
Fancy Skirts
Fancy Skirts
The Guard
The Guard
Someone gets my joke
Someone gets my joke
Considering his next move
Considering his next move
Four Heads
Four Heads
Also of Harriet
Also of Harriet
The Sunset Lineup
The Sunset Lineup
Lilly's House
Lilly's House
Almost Noon
Almost Noon
Window Detail
Window Detail
Street Lamp
Street Lamp
How to get in
How to get in
Rye High Street
Rye High Street
Pigeon Station
Pigeon Station
Art Shop Window
Art Shop Window
Reflective Reflection
Reflective Reflection
Subtle Flowers
Subtle Flowers
Indoor Photography
Indoor Photography
Curved Roof Line
Curved Roof Line
Shadow Detail
Shadow Detail
Utility Cover
Utility Cover
Little Orchard House B&B
Little Orchard House B&B
Mermaid Lane
Mermaid Lane
Georges's Wall
Georges's Wall
Mermaid Lane with M. Prové
Mermaid Lane with M. Prové
Illegal Imagery
Illegal Imagery
Looking up from her cards
Looking up from her cards
Self-Questioning Swan
Self-Questioning Swan
Even Sky at Leeds
Even Sky at Leeds
Leeds Castle
Leeds Castle
Fisherman's Friend
Fisherman's Friend
Leeds Castle
Leeds Castle
Group Picture
Group Picture
Faversham's Fountain
Faversham's Fountain
Pots and Plans
Pots and Plans
The Steep Walk to Reculver
The Steep Walk to Reculver
Wind Park
Wind Park
Reculver Towers are for the Birds
Reculver Towers are for the Birds
John and Mary Collard
John and Mary Collard
Reculver Tower
Reculver Tower
China Harbour
China Harbour
Tapas Tapas Tapas
Tapas Tapas Tapas
Peep Hole
Peep Hole
Martin Sharp
Martin Sharp
Broadstairs without the Tide
Broadstairs without the Tide
One Seagull
One Seagull
Stair Front
Stair Front
Broad Stairs in Broadstairs
Broad Stairs in Broadstairs
Citrus Restaurant
Citrus Restaurant
Canadian Export
Canadian Export
Colorful Façade
Colorful Façade
Wall Adornments
Wall Adornments
Chilham Cove
Chilham Cove
Windows 2.0
Windows 2.0
When will Frimpong visit me?
When will Frimpong visit me?
Gracious Curve
Gracious Curve
Number 3
Number 3
The Copper Kettle - Closed Mondays
The Copper Kettle - Closed Mondays