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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Sigma SD9 >> St.Gallen SD9 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

St.Gallen SD9

Please visit my SD10 St.Gallen images too.

We live near St.Gallen, one of Switzerland's great cities. The settlement and name goes back to St. Gallus, who wandered through here with St. Columbine on their way from Ireland to Italy in the Eighth Century. A falling out and illness led to St. Gallus remaining here.

I have used a variety of post-processing techniques here, including a very harsh postcard profile. It is intended to be the way it is.

I will gradually fill this gallery with impressions. As is often the case with me, there is little system to this.
Postcard: Two Tussis - Three Actually
Postcard: Two Tussis - Three Actually
Postcard: The Collegiate Church Tower
Postcard: The Collegiate Church Tower
Postcard: He and She Suffering in the Heat
Postcard: He and She Suffering in the Heat
The Telephoning Lady
The Telephoning Lady
Postcard: Learning by Example
Postcard: Learning by Example
The Church Visitor
The Church Visitor
Evening Café
Evening Café
Doll Child
Doll Child
Hauptbahnhof at Dusk
Hauptbahnhof at Dusk
Getting a Train Ticket
Getting a Train Ticket
Chestnuts and Fanta
Chestnuts and Fanta