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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Sigma SD10 >> Outings and Escapes >> Montreux and Château de Chillon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Montreux and Château de Chillon

Simon's birthday wish was a trip to Chillon, one of the better preserved 13th Century fortress castles left in Europe. A place that inspired Byron and held radicals into the last century, it was once part of what is now Canton Bern, which in the 14th Century was a major European power. Times change.
Chillon: Inner Courtyard
Chillon: Inner Courtyard
Chillon: The Keep
Chillon: The Keep
Chillon: Carefully Watched Shutters
Chillon: Carefully Watched Shutters
Chillon: Wending Vine
Chillon: Wending Vine
Chillon: The Other View
Chillon: The Other View
Chillon: Early Heating
Chillon: Early Heating
Chillon: Arsenal
Chillon: Arsenal
Chillon: The Judgment Hall
Chillon: The Judgment Hall
Chillon: Bench Detail
Chillon: Bench Detail
Chillon: Inner Passageway
Chillon: Inner Passageway
Chillon: Roof Detail
Chillon: Roof Detail
Chillon: Ship Landing
Chillon: Ship Landing
Chillon: Hot Dog - Stand
Chillon: Hot Dog - Stand
Chillon: Autoroute Bridge
Chillon: Autoroute Bridge
Montreux: Market Hall
Montreux: Market Hall
Montreux: Marketplace Fountain
Montreux: Marketplace Fountain
Postcard: The Birthday Boy Simon
Postcard: The Birthday Boy Simon
Montreux: Freddy Mercury
Montreux: Freddy Mercury