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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Just Trains tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Just Trains

Since I have an annual pass for all the trains in Switzerland, I tend to ride them more than one would think. Trains and train stations abound.
In Green
In Green
Zurich train station
Zurich train station
Winterthur Train Station: 11:06 p.m.
Winterthur Train Station: 11:06 p.m.
See you there
See you there
Luzern peron
Luzern peron
Zurich Ticket Counters
Zurich Ticket Counters
The Long Goodbye
The Long Goodbye
Inner Glow
Inner Glow
I contact
I contact
Bruck Train Station
Bruck Train Station
Railroad Bridge
Railroad Bridge
Parting of Ways
Parting of Ways
Blue Factory
Blue Factory
Moments to Share
Moments to Share
Getting a Train Ticket
Getting a Train Ticket
bye bye Bar
bye bye Bar
Thalwil train station
Thalwil train station
Nodding Off
Nodding Off
Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
Owen and Fleur
Owen and Fleur
On to Milano
On to Milano
Hauptbahnhof at Dusk
Hauptbahnhof at Dusk
Evening Comuter
Evening Comuter
Fleur reading
Fleur reading
Really mom?
Really mom?
Set to go
Set to go
Kyoto train station
Kyoto train station
Kyoto train station
Kyoto train station
The Bear's dream train
The Bear's dream train
Little Bo Peep
Little Bo Peep
Lean to the right
Lean to the right
The glance
The glance
Lying Around
Lying Around
Meeting of Minds
Meeting of Minds
My View
My View
Crunch Time
Crunch Time
Good Ole 56
Good Ole 56
First Day on the Job
First Day on the Job
Tea Kettle
Tea Kettle
George C. Wright
George C. Wright
Norwegian Metal
Norwegian Metal
Wheel Detail
Wheel Detail
Cab Heating
Cab Heating
Tight Wheels
Tight Wheels
Fancy Skirts
Fancy Skirts
The Guard
The Guard
Considering his next move
Considering his next move
Titian on the Train
Titian on the Train
Red Hat
Red Hat