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Laurence Matson | profile | all galleries >> Sigma SD10 >> Outings and Escapes >> Impressions of Germany tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Impressions of Germany

Taken during various quick trips throughout the Republic.
Connected Gnomes
Connected Gnomes
Sigma's Garden
Sigma's Garden
Envious Branch
Envious Branch
Hundertwasser Entrance
Hundertwasser Entrance
Birch Stand
Birch Stand
Railway Bridge
Railway Bridge
Tango trees
Tango trees
A Henry James Visage
A Henry James Visage
Medieval Moirée
Medieval Moirée
Downtown Fritzlau
Downtown Fritzlau
Dog Guarding 1526 Door
Dog Guarding 1526 Door
Covered Walkway
Covered Walkway
Dornburg Chateau
Dornburg Chateau
Garden Seat
Garden Seat
Owen Watching
Owen Watching
Morning Wall
Morning Wall
Early Roofs
Early Roofs
Foreshortened Road
Foreshortened Road
The Remains of a Time
The Remains of a Time
Railway Arch
Railway Arch
Moiré from Hell
Moiré from Hell