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Chateau Sec | profile | all galleries >> Themes >> Taken unawares..... tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Taken unawares.....

Whaat!...a million to buy this barn???
Whaat!...a million to buy this barn???
Tucked away...
Tucked away...
Bloom(ing) lazybones!!
Bloom(ing) lazybones!!
Napping on the job!
Napping on the job!
I've just swept don't throw that butt....
I've just swept don't throw that butt....
Nag, nag, nag.....
Nag, nag, nag.....
Concentration...hitting the high note!
Concentration...hitting the high note!
40 winks!
40 winks!
Ha, ha, ha...tell me another!
Ha, ha, ha...tell me another!
Did you hear that this guy Bush........
Did you hear that this guy Bush........
Women in Black!
Women in Black!
Eyes Left!!
Eyes Left!!
Knock, knock...
Knock, knock...
She's working, he's playing...chess!
She's working, he's playing...chess!
Dreamin', dreamin'...
Dreamin', dreamin'...
2431dates, 2432, drat it, lost count....
2431dates, 2432, drat it, lost count....
Talk to my back....
Talk to my back....
Got to get home while the bread's hot....
Got to get home while the bread's hot....
Why doesn't he call back????
Why doesn't he call back????
Sixteen tons... and what d'ya get?
Sixteen tons... and what d'ya get?
Ribbons for your hair....
Ribbons for your hair....
Wine..a bench..sleep..aaah!!
Wine..a bench..sleep..aaah!!
Read my lips...also my shirt...
Read my lips...also my shirt...
Making her own way...
Making her own way...
I shouldn't...really! I'm dieting...
I shouldn't...really! I'm dieting...
Yummeee...sweets heaven..!!!
Yummeee...sweets heaven..!!!
That's the best price...I'm down to my undershirt...
That's the best price...I'm down to my undershirt...
Quiet time...
Quiet time...
Waiting on Madame...What a Cross to bear...
Waiting on Madame...What a Cross to bear...
Don't argue...just do it...!!!
Don't argue...just do it...!!!
Digging deep...
Digging deep...
Mobile Workshop...
Mobile Workshop...
Two minutes more....& he'll be medium rare!
Two minutes more....& he'll be medium rare!
...merchandising...that's the gameplan...!!!
...merchandising...that's the gameplan...!!!'s low that's ok...!!'s low that's ok...!!
Church Custodian, Zayatsky Island, Solovetsky Archipelago, Russia
Church Custodian, Zayatsky Island, Solovetsky Archipelago, Russia
Matriarch, Malye Korely, Arkhangelsk, Russia.
Matriarch, Malye Korely, Arkhangelsk, Russia.