Oh mommy it it sooo HOT
The weather has been hot hazy and humid. My brothers and sisters like the fact I don't chase them as much. I stretch out on the floor and wait for my prey instead of chase it down : ) Mommy's bare feet are one of my favorite things and every time she goes by I get her.
Constant motion
I am growing very fast! Mommy says I never stop but I don't believe her. I have found I have 5 sisters and 1 brother here. The 2 are very odd looking cats and Mommy keeps telling me to stop picking on the dogs..humm. Well I have found one of my sisters looks a lot like me. Her name is Squeaks and we play together. Here I am trying to move the blinds so I can see outside and I don't think Mommy was real happy with that : )
Cali in her Basket
Mommy gave me my very own basket to sleep in. Daddy gave me one of his soft warm shirts, do you think he knew it goes with my eyes?
Thank you to SueB for my sweet new name!
I need a name
My first picture. Aren't I cute? I was born in the hay mow of my human mommy's barn. Thursday morning when she and Emily came down to feed the barn animals is when I was found. My real mommy had put us in an old milk can and something must have happened to her cause I was all alone and crying when my new mommy found me. My 3 other litter mates were dead and that made my new mommy very sad. She took me up to the house and gave me a nice warm bath. I smelled so much better! Then she looked for something to feed me with. She came up with a funny looking blue bulb thingy she said she uses to blow out her camera, whatever that means. Well that warm milk sure tasted good from that thing. Today is Sunday and I am doing very well. I am eating kitten chow and using the kitty litter already! Mommy is so proud of me.