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Dave Beedon | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mysteries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Can you guess what each of these things is? All the titles are for reference only; they do not identify the things.

To find out what an item is, read the description backwards.

Most recent uploads are at the BOTTOM of the gallery.

Pattern mystery... 20031017_005
Pattern mystery... 20031017_005
Lines mystery... 20031017_010
Lines mystery... 20031017_010
Rusty mystery... 20040110_200
Rusty mystery... 20040110_200
Hardware mystery... 20040206_044
Hardware mystery... 20040206_044
Wavy lines mystery... 20040206_064
Wavy lines mystery... 20040206_064
Water mystery... 20040211_048
Water mystery... 20040211_048
Spotty mystery... 20040804_4402
Spotty mystery... 20040804_4402
Purple mystery... 20041209_7312
Purple mystery... 20041209_7312
Structural mystery... 20050220_0057
Structural mystery... 20050220_0057
Parallel mystery... 20050301_0563
Parallel mystery... 20050301_0563
Surface Mystery... 20050621_4089
Surface Mystery... 20050621_4089
Soft mystery... 20050623_4671
Soft mystery... 20050623_4671
Black and white mystery... 20050704_8476
Black and white mystery... 20050704_8476
Thing mystery... 20060208_4994
Thing mystery... 20060208_4994
Pattern mystery... 20060214_6119
Pattern mystery... 20060214_6119