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Job Memories: T.I.P.

Many moons ago I worked for a trailer leasing company that then was called “Transport International Pool” (abbreviated “T.I.P.” OR “TIP”).
Wikipedia says it is now called GE Trailer Fleet Services.
T.I.P. rented highway trailers to trucking companies.

When I went to work for T.I.P., I had never heard of it previously. Nor had I heard of the city in which it had its headquarters (Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania). On top of that, all I knew about the trucking industry was that “trucks transport stuff.” My employment there was a great learning experience. Terms like “kingpin,” “landing gear,” “fifth wheel,” and “hub odometer" became meaningful, as did the names of companies with which T.I.P. did business.

I have fond memories of parking trailers in our storage yard, which was great fun once I got the hang of turning the truck’s wheels in the opposite direction of where I wanted the trailer to go. Long trailers were easier to park because of their slower response time. Parking a 20-foot container chassis was very difficult and accompanied by the utterance of various four-letter words.

T.I.P.'s logo is almost identical to the "TIP" icon appearing in federal income tax booklets. Pictures appear in the order in which they were taken.

Near Green River, Utah... 20090522
Near Green River, Utah... 20090522
Eastbound on I-80 near Grantsville, Utah... 20110611
Eastbound on I-80 near Grantsville, Utah... 20110611
Shadowy situation... 20130725
Shadowy situation... 20130725
Warehouse duty... 20130809
Warehouse duty... 20130809
Parked for pallets... 20130822
Parked for pallets... 20130822
Trailer with open doors... 20131007
Trailer with open doors... 20131007
T.I.P. and Hanjin... 20131129
T.I.P. and Hanjin... 20131129
(Former) T.I.P. trailer at night... 20150718
(Former) T.I.P. trailer at night... 20150718
T.I.P. trailer near Red Bluff... 20160502
T.I.P. trailer near Red Bluff... 20160502
Storage trailer... 20150417
Storage trailer... 20150417
Finally got this one... 20170527
Finally got this one... 20170527
T.I.P. trailer in Auburn... 20180907
T.I.P. trailer in Auburn... 20180907