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Dave Beedon | all galleries >> Railroads >> Railroads: Cane Creek Branch >> Seven Mile > Potash rail line and Arches National Park
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Potash rail line and Arches National Park

Seven Mile (10 miles [16 km] northwest of Moab, Utah) view map

The location description is misleading: this about a quarter of a mile west of Seven Mile.

This eastward view looks at Union Pacific's Cane Creek Branch. The landscape in the distance is Arches National Park. Hidden between the railroad is US Highway 191. Moab is to the right; Interstate 70 and Crescent Junction are to the left. The track seen here is just south of Seven Mile.

Nikon D80 ,Nikkor 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5D AF
1/400s f/8.0 at 105.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 20-Apr-2007 03:57
I thought Michigan was only half-vast....
1moremile06-Apr-2007 23:49
Looks almost as vast as Michigan.
purpod06-Apr-2007 17:26
Talk about vast ~ you really captured the depth of your view; nice work!
Gary Winters06-Apr-2007 16:02
I love all the empty space out there...
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