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Utilities Trench (Click to enter this gallery)

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A 6-foot trench cut right across our beautiful hill!
A 6-foot trench cut right across our beautiful hill!
Thr good news is: No rock so far, only chert
Thr good news is: No rock so far, only chert
From across the street it doesn't look quite so bad!
From across the street it doesn't look quite so bad!
Up close it looks terrible.....
Up close it looks terrible.....
.... a huge ditch all the way down my beautiful hill!
.... a huge ditch all the way down my beautiful hill!
Gus checks out the conduit
Gus checks out the conduit
The electric line will be pulled through this conduit
The electric line will be pulled through this conduit
Gus got bored with it all
Gus got bored with it all
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