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The Top Floor

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View from the top floor at sunset, 2011-08-21
View from the top floor at sunset, 2011-08-21
View from the top floor at sunset, 2011-08-21
View from the top floor at sunset, 2011-08-21
The first of the last set of walls is going up
The first of the last set of walls is going up
Dave is laying out the floor plan for the guest bedroom.  He came up with a genius solution to a problem.
Dave is laying out the floor plan for the guest bedroom. He came up with a genius solution to a problem.
More views from the top floor, 2011-08-27
More views from the top floor, 2011-08-27
More views from the top floor, 2011-08-27.  Way off in the background is House Mountain.
More views from the top floor, 2011-08-27. Way off in the background is House Mountain.
More views from the top floor, 2011-08-27
More views from the top floor, 2011-08-27
The front wall of the top room
The front wall of the top room
The beginnings of the guest room
The beginnings of the guest room
The guest room will have a window and a door to the walkway
The guest room will have a window and a door to the walkway
A better view of the guest room's window and back door
A better view of the guest room's window and back door
The shower in the guest room
The shower in the guest room
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