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lisaj | profile | all galleries >> It's Not a Workshop Any More, Toto >> The Exterior tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Exterior

It's still an octagon, just not an equilateral one.
It's still an octagon, just not an equilateral one.
Work has started on the top floor!
Work has started on the top floor!
The walls are in place!
The walls are in place!
And now the roof is going up!
And now the roof is going up!
We're adding a cupola to the tower to make up for a mis-communication over the roof structure.
We're adding a cupola to the tower to make up for a mis-communication over the roof structure.
The cupola is about done
The cupola is about done
A close-up view, just 'cause
A close-up view, just 'cause
A panoramic view of the garage.  Perspective is a little wonky.
A panoramic view of the garage. Perspective is a little wonky.
We've added an entryway
We've added an entryway
And look!  The garage doors are in!
And look! The garage doors are in!