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Sugar Maples & other greenery (click to enter this gallery)

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Southwest corner, 05-17-2008
Southwest corner, 05-17-2008
Southwest corner, 05-17-2008
Southwest corner, 05-17-2008
Southwest corner, 05-17-2008
Southwest corner, 05-17-2008
Southwest corner, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southwest corner, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southwest corner, 05-17-2009; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southwest corner, 05-17-2009; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southwest corner, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southwest corner, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Another sugar maple, and a red maple added to the back property line
Another sugar maple, and a red maple added to the back property line
Racing to get the maples in before the sun goes down......
Racing to get the maples in before the sun goes down......
And wouldn't you know the handle of the shovel cracks and has to be duct-taped!
And wouldn't you know the handle of the shovel cracks and has to be duct-taped!
The maples are from the Ijams Park annual native plants sale.
The maples are from the Ijams Park annual native plants sale.
Pickaxes are better than shovels any day!
Pickaxes are better than shovels any day!
The Ijams sugar maple didn't survive the winter of Jan/Feb 2009.  Resquiecat in pace, little sugar maple.
The Ijams sugar maple didn't survive the winter of Jan/Feb 2009. Resquiecat in pace, little sugar maple.
... and the red maple!
... and the red maple!
Yep, it's a red maple for sure!  10-26-2008
Yep, it's a red maple for sure! 10-26-2008
Red maple 05-19-2009
Red maple 05-19-2009
Red maple 04-25-2010
Red maple 04-25-2010
Center of back property line, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 05-17-2009; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 05-17-2009; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Center of back property line, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 05-17-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 05-17-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 05-24-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 05-24-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 06-29-2008; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 05-17-2009; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 05-17-2009; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
The quince are doing GREAT!  09-20-2008
The quince are doing GREAT! 09-20-2008
Baby quince are popping up all over! 09-20-2008
Baby quince are popping up all over! 09-20-2008
We gave the quince plenty of room to grow
We gave the quince plenty of room to grow
Here's how we keep the maples & daylilies alive.
Here's how we keep the maples & daylilies alive.
A 250-gallon stock tank, a water pump, and the Holston River!
A 250-gallon stock tank, a water pump, and the Holston River!
The river is the lowest we've ever seen it.
The river is the lowest we've ever seen it.
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
The view from the top of the driveway
The view from the top of the driveway
The view from halfway down the driveway
The view from halfway down the driveway
Looking towards the Williams' lot
Looking towards the Williams' lot
The barn
The barn
Looking towards the McCabe's lot
Looking towards the McCabe's lot
Red Maple from Newport, got two for nest to nothing because of some damage to the trunk
Red Maple from Newport, got two for nest to nothing because of some damage to the trunk
If they just make it through the winter, they should be OK!
If they just make it through the winter, they should be OK!
The second of the Newport Red Maples:  this one is at the Northwest Corner
The second of the Newport Red Maples: this one is at the Northwest Corner
Hang in there, Red Maples!!
Hang in there, Red Maples!!
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