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Sugar Maples & other greenery (click to enter this gallery)

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Southeast corner, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
Southeast corner, 04-25-2010; Sugar Maple from Shy Valley Nursery
The quince are doing GREAT!  09-20-2008
The quince are doing GREAT! 09-20-2008
Baby quince are popping up all over! 09-20-2008
Baby quince are popping up all over! 09-20-2008
We gave the quince plenty of room to grow
We gave the quince plenty of room to grow
Here's how we keep the maples & daylilies alive.
Here's how we keep the maples & daylilies alive.
A 250-gallon stock tank, a water pump, and the Holston River!
A 250-gallon stock tank, a water pump, and the Holston River!
The river is the lowest we've ever seen it.
The river is the lowest we've ever seen it.
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 05-18-2009
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
Two white oaks downhill from the workshop, 04-25-2010
The view from the top of the driveway
The view from the top of the driveway
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