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Renovating the Shed

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Here's what we started with (Dave has already put down insulation, and a support grid for radiant heating)
Here's what we started with (Dave has already put down insulation, and a support grid for radiant heating)
The foam is salvaged pieces of ICF
The foam is salvaged pieces of ICF
We're using the shed for storage right now, but we're planning on heating it for use as a potting shed and workshop later on
We're using the shed for storage right now, but we're planning on heating it for use as a potting shed and workshop later on
The roof was rusted but the framing was mostly fine
The roof was rusted but the framing was mostly fine
The siding was hand-cut poplar planks, many years old, leaky and rotting
The siding was hand-cut poplar planks, many years old, leaky and rotting
The windows were mostly broken out
The windows were mostly broken out
See the gaps in the siding?
See the gaps in the siding?
It was a nice grey on the outside, though
It was a nice grey on the outside, though
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
Dave put on a new standing seam metal roof
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