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Re-creating the Octagon

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They're building the mudroom that connects the octagon to the tower.
They're building the mudroom that connects the octagon to the tower.
It's bigger than I thought it would be.  :-)
It's bigger than I thought it would be. :-)
The crew that puts the insulation in the ceiling is scaring me.  Look where he's standing!
The crew that puts the insulation in the ceiling is scaring me. Look where he's standing!
We bought some salvaged transoms and we;re using them for vertical windows in small places
We bought some salvaged transoms and we;re using them for vertical windows in small places
The stucco is going on
The stucco is going on
The foam insulation is being attached to the house wrap as a base for the stucco
The foam insulation is being attached to the house wrap as a base for the stucco
Like this!
Like this!
One of my wonderful front doors
One of my wonderful front doors
Our front porch
Our front porch
Same porch, other end
Same porch, other end
The entryway as seen from inside
The entryway as seen from inside
The house
The house
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