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lisaj | profile | all galleries >> It's Not a Workshop Any More, Toto >> Inside the Octagon tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Inside the Octagon

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My bedroom walls
My bedroom walls
The kitchen area
The kitchen area
The kitchen with cupola
The kitchen with cupola
My bedroom as seen from the closet
My bedroom as seen from the closet
My bathroom is geting plumbed in!!
My bathroom is geting plumbed in!!
Pantry door
Pantry door
Linen closet doors for my bathroom
Linen closet doors for my bathroom
My shower
My shower
My shower and bath!!
My shower and bath!!
We're insulating the roof of the octagon with salvaged/recycled industrial foam, 2 thick
We're insulating the roof of the octagon with salvaged/recycled industrial foam, 2" thick
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